Alex, Aaron, Abby & Aleena
“Ivy Hill T.E.C. has been a large part of our lives for over 5 years. Our family consists of 2 set of twins having multiple disabilities. Alex and Aaron are 8 years old. Alex is non-verbal, severely Autistic and has sensory disorder. Aaron has Expressive and Receptive language disorder. Abigail and Aleena are 6 years old. Abby has hearing loss, VPI, severe speech delay and had many tear duct repairs. Aleena was born with a CHD (Congenital Heart Defect). She has had open-heart surgeries to re-route her blood flow through her heart. These surgeries resulted in damage to other areas of her body physically and brain hemorrhaging. She also is autistic. The Ivy Hill team has tailored a program for each of these kids to meet their specific needs and help them grow. For Alex, he went from not willing walk in to the barn or touching the horses to trying to get his own shoes on when it is barn time and snuggling with the horses. He enjoys playing games with Megan, practicing naming colors and communicating with his horse using sign language or words. He is working on physical awareness and is making such strides, by holding the reins. Aaron and Abby went from having so much physical support to riding independently with minimal support. They have gained so much confidence in themselves, independence and responsibility and a sense of belonging. They have a place to go where they are not judged on their abilities or made to feel different. They come home so proud of what they did or something new they tried with their horse and instructor. This has given them courage to have the confidence to try new things outside the barn also. Aleena has gained strength in her core and given her a sense of independence and confidence. Each of these kids has created a bond with the horses and their instructor that is so special to see. We are so grateful to Ivy Hill, their truly talented, special instructors, amazingly patient horses and wonderful program. We are so proud of our children and beam with pride to say that we know Ivy Hill has contributed to their progress and making milestones. We look forward to see what the future holds for them and know that Ivy Hill will be a apart of helping them all reach their fullest potential.”